GT Pressura
Family overview
- Standard
- Light Italic
- Text Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Mono
- Light Italic
- Text Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Extended
- Light Italic
- Text Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Standard LightUnited States Postal Service 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 20260-0004 Washington, D.C., US
- Standard Light Italicсвыше 65 миллионов зрителей. Это один из самых популярных советских кинофильмов, фразы из которого стали крылатыми.
- Standard TextST-0219, 18" Image, 24" x 24" Sheet, 1 Stencil, Reusable Polyethylene Stencil, 63 mil Thick [BZ-STENCIL-63]
- Standard Text ItalicRoyal Mail, 100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0HQ, London, United Kingdom
- Standard RegularA system was selected for Western Europe, based on the Netherlands' system for consumer goods and waste transportation called Laadkisten (lit. "Loading bins"),
- Standard Regular ItalicPuts people on streets
- Standard MediumЗаведующий детским садом Трошкин оказался совершенной копией опасного преступника Доцента. И чтобы поймать рецидивиста милиция внедряет
- Standard Medium ItalicResulting economic collapse and drop in all modes of transport.
- Standard BoldNgười vận tải, hay người chuyên chở (carrier): vận chuyển hàng từ điểm giao đến điểm nhận theo hợp đồng vận chuyển.
- Standard Bold ItalicIntermodal containers exist in many types and a number of standardized sizes, but ninety percent of the global container fleet are so-called "dry freight
- Standard BlackUnited Parcel Service, Inc., Sandy Springs, Georgia, US, Founded 1907 by James E. Casey
- Standard Black Italic20' Standard Steel, 28,300 kg, 20'×8'×8'6", 33m3
- Settings
Typeface information
GT Pressura is inspired by metal type printing history as well as engineered letters stamped onto shipping boxes. It uses the visual gesture of ink spreading under pressure as a stylistic device, offering an alternative to more spindly typefaces of the digital age.
Typeface features
OpenType features enable smart typography. You can use these features in most Desktop applications, on the web, and in your mobile apps. Each typeface contains different features. Below are the most important features included in GT Pressura’s fonts:
- Tabular Figures
- SS01
- Alternate a
- Case sensitive forms
Typeface Minisite
- Visit the GT Pressura minisite to discover more about the typeface family’s history and design concept.
GT Pressura in use