GT America
Family overview
- Compressed
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Condensed
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Standard
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Extended
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Expanded
- Mono
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Standard Ultra LightRichard M. Nixon, January 9, 1913, Yorba Linda, California, January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974
- Standard Ultra Light ItalicJames Monroe, April 28, 1758, Monroe Hall, Virginia, March 4, 1817 – March 4, 1825
- Standard ThinПалата представників — назва законодавчих органів у багатьох країнах та адміністративних одиницях.
- Standard Thin ItalicGeorge H. W. Bush, June 12, 1924, Milton, Massachusetts, January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993
- Standard LightFranklin D. Roosevelt, January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York, March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945
- Standard Light ItalicI didn’t just want to be a bodybuilding champion, I wanted to be the best bodybuilder of all times.
- Standard RegularI am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.
- Standard Regular ItalicI was striving to be the most muscular man, and it got me into the movies. It got me everything that I have.
- Standard MediumMillard Fillmore, January 7, 1800, Summerhill, New York, July 9, 1850 – March 4, 1853
- Standard Medium ItalicHasta la vista, baby.
- Standard BoldJimmy Carter, October 1, 1924, Plains, Georgia, January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981
- Standard Bold ItalicJames A. Garfield, November 19, 1831, Moreland Hills, Ohio, March 4, 1881 – September 19, 1881
- Standard BlackIt ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward
- Standard Black ItalicСуществует мнение, высказываемое в частности Никитой Михалковым, что музыка государственного гимна США является плагиатом на музыку романса «Хасбулат удалой».
- Settings
Typeface information
GT America is the missing bridge between 19th century American Gothics and 20th century European Neo-Grotesk typefaces. It uses the best design features from both traditions in the widths and weights where they function optimally.
Typeface features
OpenType features enable smart typography. You can use these features in most Desktop applications, on the web, and in your mobile apps. Each typeface contains different features. Below are the most important features included in GT America’s fonts:
- SS01
- Alternate g
- SS02
- Alternate one
- SS05
- Round Dots
- Oldstyle numerals
- Case sensitive forms
Typeface Minisite

- Visit the GT America minisite to discover more about the typeface family’s history and design concept.
GT America in use