GT Eesti
Family overview
- Text
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Book Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Display
- Ultra Light Italic
- Thin Italic
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Ultra Bold Italic
- Text Ultra LightKiviõli on linn Ida-Viru maakonnas. Linn on rajatud 1922. aastal, linnaõiguse sai ta 1946. aastal. Aastatel 1957–1991 kuulus Kiviõli Kohtla-Järve linna koosseisu.
- Text Ultra Light ItalicPõltsamaa on linn Jõgeva maakonnas Põltsamaa jõe ääres. Esimesed ülestähendused Põltsamaast pärinevad 1234. aastast. Aastatel 1570–1578 oli Põltsamaa Liivimaa kuningriigi pealinn.
- Text ThinVõru is a town and a municipality in south-eastern Estonia. It is the capital of Võru County and the centre of Võru Parish.
- Text Thin ItalicНарва третий по численности населения город Эстонии, преимущественно русскоязычный, самый крупный город уезда Ида-Вирумаа.
- Text LightKohtla-Järve on linn Ida-Viru maakonnas. Linn koosneb kuuest eraldi asuvast linnaosast. Linna elanikkond on valdavalt venekeelne. Eestlasi oli 2000. aasta rahvaloenduse andmeil 17,8% elanikest ning 2011. aasta rahvaloenduse andmeil 16,1%.
- Text Light ItalicKärdla (Swedish: Kärrdal, German: Kertel) is the only town on the island of Hiiumaa, Estonia. It is the capital of Hiiu County and the centre of Hiiu Parish.
- Text BookТарту город на реке Эмайыги, второй по численности населения после Таллина город Эстонии, уездный центр.
- Text Book ItalicViljandi is a town and municipality in southern Estonia with a population of 17,473 in 2013.
- Text RegularКярдла административный центр и крупнейший город эстонского уезда Хийумаа. Получил городской статус в 1938 г. В городе расположены морская гавань и одноимённый аэропорт. Население — 3017 человек (2014).
- Text Regular ItalicTüri is a town in Järva County, Estonia. It is the administrative centre of Türi Parish.
- Text MediumPaide on linn Järva maakonnas, maakonna halduskeskus. Paides elas Rahvastikuregistri andmetel 1. jaanuari 2015 seisuga 8370 inimest, Statistikaameti andmetel 1. jaanuari 2014 seisuga 8162 inimest.
- Text Medium ItalicКунда город на севере Эстонии, в уезде Ляэне-Вирумаа. По городу получила название кундская культура эпохи мезолита.
- Text BoldHaapsalu is a seaside resort town located on the west coast of Estonia. It is the administrative centre of Lääne County, and on 1 January 2012 it had a population of 11,587.
- Text Bold ItalicSaue is a town in north-western Estonia. Administratively it constitutes a separate urban municipality in Harju County.
- Settings
Typeface information
GT Eesti is a free-spirited interpretation of the Soviet geometric sans serif “Zhurnalnaya Roublennaya”. Starting with books from Soviet-occupied Estonia, we developed the typeface to suit today’s designers’ requirements, expanding it into separate Display and Text subfamilies for both Latin & Cyrillic.
Typeface features
OpenType features enable smart typography. You can use these features in most Desktop applications, on the web, and in your mobile apps. Each typeface contains different features. Below are the most important features included in GT Eesti’s fonts:
- SS01
- Circular dots
- SS02
- Compact accents
- SS03
- Historical “ß”
- SS04
- Alternate “w” and “v”
- (Text version only)
Typeface Minisite
- Visit the GT Eesti minisite to discover more about the typeface family’s history and design concept.
GT Eesti in use